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Privacy Policy


As providers of the Online PHP Encoding Service, the ionCube website, support helpdesk, members' area, and other facilities that may be made available from time to time, collectively termed the "Service", we regard the privacy of our members data as crucial to all concerned, and this statement reflects our sincere commitment to providing a secure and safe Service and environment for every member.


The Service gathers and keeps only the minimal information as is necessary to provide a reasonable and satisfactory service. Members' information will not be imparted in any form whether for profit or otherwise in ways different from those disclosed in this statement. Currently this means that the information is not disclosed to anyone. We may use the contact information you supply through the Service at and to contact you with pertinent information relating to your account or usage of the Service.


We offer opt-in for contact with relevant marketing information including special offers, which you are personally able to adjust your consent to within your account profile and at points where account profiles are not required. Changes to consent may take up to 24hrs to become fully effective.


We support the right for privacy and the desire for a small digital footprint. Therefore we provide a number of ways for you to exercise your rights under the GDPR, some of which you can do within your account, and some you will need to contact us about.

Right for access - We provide a Members area where you can view your account information, previous orders and licensed machines. There is a feature that allows you to transfer this information out of our system for use elsewhere. Do contact us if there is something you want to know that does not appear within your Members' area.

Right to be forgotten - Should you require your data to be purged please contact us using any of the methods listed below and we will be happy to assist with the request.

Request for correction - The same Members area mentioned above has for many of the items an editing feature for correction. If you find that an item needing correction cannot easily be corrected then please let us know. We will assist in the correction as well as provide a means (if at all possible) for self-service of it in the future.

Objection of processing - We don't use any automated decision making or profiling processes which take a final decision in how we view or use your data day-to-day. We perform a fraud screening process during the payment/order process with the final decision taken by one or more humans as necessary. If you have any concerns to please make contact.

You can contact us at any time in either via the support system or direct email to our Data Protection Officer (Kevin Groves) at


For your security, information gathered and processed for effecting a purchase is handled on a secure server by third parties specialising in payment processing. Processing information is returned to the Service for the purposes of order matching, however no information is returned concerning account details, actual credit/debit card numbers, CVV2 numbers, or expiry dates.


A cookie is a piece of data stored on a visitor's computer containing information sent from the Service. It is passed to the Service when the user requests pages. The Service uses a cookie to establish and authenticate a private session between a member and the Service. Cookies cannot be used to obtain any information from the users computer other than that which was stored in the cookie by the Service in the first place. The cookie is invalidated and may be deleted by the member's browser when the member elects to log out of the Service. For more details, see our Cookies Policy.


Web server log files are kept for the purpose of analysing patterns of usage, and to detect problems with, or attacks on, the Service. Log files contain the IP address of website visitors, which may be used for ensuring secure, uninterrupted and correct operation of the site. Transaction logs are kept for the purpose of detecting site problems and to assist in effecting an accurate restoration of state in the event of site failure.


Whilst the site may contain links to other sites and services, the Service is not responsible for nor endorses any such sites or services, and such sites may have privacy policies and practices different to those of Members are encouraged to review and be aware of any such policies in effect by other sites.


In particular because using the Service requires a member to disclose the very code that is desired to be protected, we take protection of this information very seriously. Access to the Service is via an SSL connection, which encrypts transactions including the member login, file uploads, and viewing of file archive contents and encoded jobs.

The site stores source code in a secure area that is unique to each member, and in a way that prohibits access in or out during encoding and archive unbundling. Source files are kept purely for the purpose of encoding, and once encoded, whether successfully or unsuccessfully, source files are removed.


ionCube works with third parties for the purpose of fault detection, payment processing, performance measurement, targeted information based on members' interests and conversion tracking such as PayPal, Stripe, 2CO, Taxamo (EU VAT calculations), VIES VAT number validation service, Google and Lucky Orange. Third party services and interest-based advertising can sometimes be opted out of through the Do Not Track functionality of the web browser (if provided). Twitter promotions may be run from time to time, and can be opted out of as described here.


If you are unhappy with how your Personal Data is processed by ionCube, you have the right to complain to the Data Protection Officer (Kevin Groves) at If you remain unhappy, following ionCube's response to your complaint, you have the right to lodge a further compliant with our Supervisory Authority, The Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

The ICO's address is: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You can also contact them by telephone on 01625 545 745 or via their website at

(c) ionCube Ltd. Updated May 23rd, 2018